Katy "pets" the statue of Cedric, the dog.
Petting the Sheep in the petting zoo.

Katy's "Boo Moment"- Tuckered out.
We went to Biltmore estate, this weekend, and had a nice family weekend get-away. After several stops to drop off some mail, stop for Starbucks and gas, we made it to Asheville in about two and a half hours. We were hoping that you would fall asleep on the way, Katy, and be well rested for our house tour. However, this was not to be- you were fine for the first two hours- playing, talking and "reading"- then you cried for the last half hour, FINALLY falling asleep when we were five miles away from the castle *Sigh*.
I wrapped you up on me and we toured the house, first. Daddy and I got the audio tours and enjoyed learning more about the Biltmore castle, the Vanderbilts and all of the architecture, antiques, designs and general opulence that went into building America's largest single-family "home." 230 rooms is quite a home! There were a lot of stairs to go up and down, so I'm glad that we didn't take the stroller into the house- that would have been a bear to lug up and down the staircases with all of the crowds! You were very good throughout the house tour- especially considering that you hadn't really had a morning nap.
The only comment I would make is that you were loud, loud, LOUD, Katy! You just wanted to talk and chat to anybody and everybody that would listen. You weren't bad and you weren't upset- there was lots to see and entertain you. Katy, you just wanted to talk and when nobody would pay you any mind, you would just talk LOUDER! We're going to have to work on your "museum voice," Katy.
After the house tour, we had lunch at the Stable Cafe. Daddy had a nice BBQ sampler platter and I had chicken and mashed potatoes. The service was quite speedy considering that it was the height of lunch when we were seated. You weren't terribly hungry when we tried to feed you lunch, but you did enjoy lima beans from Daddy's lunch and chicken from my plate.
The Biltmore estate has a creamery on site, so OF COURSE we had to end our lunch on a sweet note and indulge in some ice cream. I had a waffle cone and Daddy had a brownie sundae. It was very funny because every time I tried to feed you my ice cream- vanilla based- you didn't want any part of it. Anytime Daddy fed you a taste of his cherry ice cream, you were all over it, smacking your lips and reaching for more! Oh well, I guess that means more ice cream for me! :-P
We walked the gardens after lunch. The weather was very nice- a sunny, balmy 60 degrees. There wasn't much going on in the gardens as it is the middle of winter, but you can just imagine how pretty the grounds must be in the springtime.
When we were walking back to our car from our walk in the gardens, you fell asleep on Daddy, Katy. You had what I would consider a "Boo moment," from the movie, Monster's Inc. One minute you are up, talking, laughing and looking around. The next, you head drops and your are conked out on Daddy's shoulder! So, we took a little siesta in the car while you napped.
After your nap, Katy, we headed off for Antler Hill Village and roamed around the shops and exhibits. We skipped the winery tour, this time, but instead enjoyed going to the petting zoo so that you could pet the animals and watch all of the other little kiddies run around. You got to pet a sheep and a horse. You were very interested in the chickens, too.
By the time we were finished with the petting zoo, it was after five o'clock P.M., so we headed to our hotel, brought in dinner and called it a night. We had a fun time in Asheville!
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