Katy and Elizabeth playing in the ball pit.

Katy's "graceful" exit from the ball pit.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Abigail for the authentic, BEAUTIFUL Korean Hanbok!!!!
Today you are 46 weeks old, Katy!
The big accomplishment for this week was your first step!! On Monday you took one step and on Tuesday you took three. So far, you've still proven me a liar when I try to get you to walk for Daddy. The steps are unsteady and you don't really seem to realize you are actually walking, but I know that it's just a matter of time before you are RUNNING!!
The other thing you've been doing this week is shaking your head, "No." At first you were doing it arbitrarily- shaking at anything and everything- but now, it seems a little more controlled. "Katy, here is your medicine," Mommy. Katy shakes her head, "No." "Katy, here comes yummy veggies," Mommy. Katy shakes her head, "No." "Katy, night-night time!" Mommy. Katy shakes her head no... Hmmm... I think that we are in trouble...
This was our first week taking care of Elizabeth Allen, the daughter of our friend, Crystal. We know Crystal and Elizabeth from Kinetic Church. So far, it's been a great experience! Elizabeth is seven years old and a big helper at getting you to laugh and play, Katy! You want to be wherever Elizabeth is and doing whatever Elizabeth is doing- even if she is doing her homework (she is home schooled).
On Wednesday, we went to story time at the Library. You and I had never been before, Katy, but Elizabeth likes to go and since the library is right down the road, I figured it would be a nice weekly outing. This week's theme was "winter"- the stories, short movie and snowflake craft were all themed around chilly weather. You listed to part of story time before you decided to be louder than the storyteller, Katy. Then, we had to excuse ourselves from the group and otherwise (quietly!) entertain you.
We've all been dealing with a cold, this week. First you got it, Katy, then you passed it onto me and then we passed it onto Daddy. It had not been pretty- cough, cold, runny nose, watery eyes and itchy throats- yuck! Hopefully, we are on the mend, though.
Last night, we handed you a spoon and let you feed yourself. It was an interesting experience- very MESSY! You managed to get a couple of bites IN your mouth, Katy, but mostly, it went all over. Good thing bath time follows dinner!
On the subject of food, you've been doing better with a sippy cup. Particularly, the sippy cup that you received as a Christmas gift from Uncle Josh and Aunt Delinda. Wherever they got it, we need another one since this seems to be one of the only ones (out of collection of at lest twenty!) that you actually finish the liquid inside!
I don't know if it's because you now have a playmate to play with, or if you are getting more advanced in your exploration of your world, but I've noticed that you are playing more with your toys (opposed to just observing, putting them in your mouth and manipulating with your hands). You loved to jump in your ball pit from Auntie Hope and Uncle Eric, I've caught you putting the play carrot into the soup pot of your play kitchen and banging two objects together while dancing (or bobbing) to music.
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