This weekend, we are going to give the house a good, thorough cleaning in preparation of YOU and all the guests that are sure to follow. The kitchen cabinets are labeled and ready for guests searching around for a spoon, a towel, whatever. There are more than a dozen meals in the freezer ready to be pulled out at moment's notice for the nights when things get a little crazy around here. Daddy had an extra house key made for visiting family members. The car seats have been in the cars for quite some time now and we will finish "baby-proofing" the house, this weekend (though, I'm told that you never really finish "baby-proofing" until you find out what the kid is really up and moving).
Your nursery walls are a cheery yellow with a custom cornice board. Daddy worked hard at measuring and upholstering the cornice board that we covered with Robert Allen Hush-a-bye nursery rhyme fabric. The furniture is a medium wood and includes a rocking chair from the Jones side of the family and a tall dresser from your Daddy's childhood.
The diaper bag is packed with essentials and all of your clothes (girly, do you have the clothes thanks to all of the baby showers and our friends, the Foleys and the Batys!) are hung in the closet by size and then by ROY G. BIV (see, I told you we were neurotic). There are a few items that we still need to get and take care of this weekend, but for the most part, I believe we are as ready as we'll ever be- nobody is truly READY.
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