First, everybody assembled in the gym for the program. It took a bit of coordination (and patience!) to get 120+ Kindergarten students up on the stage but they finally made it! Then, the students proceeded to serenade us (the proud parents) with at least a dozen holiday songs. Katy sure sang her heart out!!
Lil' Miss was also one of the six students selected to act out a snowman poem She was snow woman #5. She did a great job getting in front of the big audience of parents and doing her part with viver!
After the program, it was party time!!
Now, I should note that I am room parent for Katy's kindergarten class, this year. So, I was in charge of setting up, coordinating and organizing Mrs. Mitchell's Christmas party. It was no small feat- but it was a lot of fun and turned out pretty cute (if I do say so, myself ;-).
The theme of the party was The Polar Express. I came in the afternoon before to decorate the classroom in all things Polar Express (hubby's job sure came in handy in all aspect of planning this party!! ;-). We had a Lionel Polar Express train running throughout the party. We had the movie soundtrack playing in the background throughout the party. We had various Polar Express branded flags, mats and printables decorating the room.
While the students were coming back from the program, Ted donned a conductor's hat, pocket watch and handed out "tickets" (ie "Believe" stickers that I purchased from Oriental Trading) to each passenger (ie student). As soon as the children got into the room, Ted read the Polar Express to the children from an oversized Polar Express book.
After storytime, the children lined up for their special snack of doughnut holes, muffins, fruit and cheese. The best part of snack time was the hot chocolate bar (but of course!)!!
Oh, and each student got to take home a great goody bag full of fun Polar Express themed items and most importantly, a silver bell!
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