On Friday Heather left to go on the Kinetic Women's Retreat; a much deserved and needed respite. Katy, who came down with a 103-degree fever Thursday night, did not like this idea very much. Despite how many times you called "Momma Are You?" the phrase for the weekend was "Momma No Treat" (Mommy no retreat). The shocking reality that Mommy needed a little away time and you were "stuck" with me was not well received; particularly at night time where Heather is usually at your beck and call. In your mind, your own personal bellhop.
On Saturday morning, your first full day away from Mommy since... well EVER, we made Minnie Pancakes. I suggested the pancakes, but you wanted them in Minnie shape. Not really sure how you came up with that one, but three circles are easy enough to do as pancakes.
First Batch of Katy Approved Minnie Shaped Pancakes |
You had a lot of fun "helping" me make them and thought it was incredibly funny how the were shaped. You took great pride in declaring each one to be "Minnie Shape". To eat such a special breakfast you insisted that we dine at your little table.
Table Set & All Ready for Daddy & Daughter Breakfast |
At this point a moral dilemma ensued as you would not eat the Minnie shaped pancakes. It wasn't the pancake that you did like; as you ate some circle ones later. The fact that they were looked like Minnie is what made it impossible for you to eat. You were almost in tears when one of the ears fell off tell me "Bapa Fix It". I'll admit that my father is good at fixing things, but I think even this precariously patterned pancake would have eluded him.
Still, despite the fever and the general not feeling good demeanor, we did have fun. We played Barbies, cars, even went for a walk in the short break in the rainy weather. It may to come as a shock to one and all, but we did not watch The Muppets (or any other Muppet related videos) at all this weekend. Instead you kept requesting VeggieTales. To be more exact you kept asking for more "Larry", referring to Larry the Cucumber. You were particularly fond of the
Cebu and
Bubble-wrap videos. Since you weren't feeling well, and have my wrapped around your little finger, I let you watch it to your hearts content. You even fell asleep watching it Saturday night in mom & dad's bed (aka..."The Big Bed").
On Sunday you woke up
EARLY saying you were hungry and wanted cereal. For someone who doesn't really eat breakfast this was odd, but was more than happy to comply as this meant you were getting your hunger back from being sick. You ate most of your cereal and all the milk I had pored myself. C'est la vie.
Today at Kinetic it was Pajama Day. Which the kids loved and so did all the dads who's wives were on the retreat. You wore your Muppet pajamas that, for the record,
YOU picked out. We even had to take it off the little Kermit doll that was wearing it. You thought this was funny, but were happy enough to tell anyone who asked "who's on your pajamas Katy?" "Kermit. Hi Ho." I'm one proud papa!
When Heather returned from the retreat and you finally saw her you looked like you were about to cry. A bubbling of emotions for the Momma you missed.
The lesson for this weekend is that Daddy is fun.... but he's no Momma!
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