This week was all about WALKING!! While you have been taking steps here and there for several months, now, this week you were off and running- LITERALLY! Your steps are still a little wobbly and we say that you look like you are "tipsy" when you walk, but it's pretty darn cute! You walk with purpose and determination- I have no idea where that comes from! You've walked from the kitchen the the living room- all the way through the dining room- without stopping or falling. Even when you do stumble, Katy, you are able to pick yourself up and keep going. Your balance is better and you are able to change directions when walking.
Auntie Hope and cousin Molly arrived safe and sound on Wednesday morning. We picked them up from the airport and then came home. We are having a good time with them! Katy, you love to go up to Molly and give her "kisses." Molly, for the most part tolerates your affections and will follow you around the room with her eyes. You have lots of new toys for Molly to play with, though you aren't always the best at sharing- we are going to have to work on that. It's great to see you girls interacting and "playing" together. We can't wait until you both are a little older and then the REAL fun/trouble will begin! You definitely feed off of each other- when one is crying the other may start. If Molly is crying, Katy wants to go see. If one baby is cranky the other is happy- quite and interesting balance.
Today was spent getting ready for your birthday party, Katy. We decorated cupcakes, decorated the house, got things ready, cooked and cleaned in preparation for what has to be one of the best attended one year old's birthday party.
**One year later and 52 weeks, this post is the last of the weekly blog posts. I will still continue to update the blog with pictures and anecdotes of Katy's day-to-day life.
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