"Yankee Doodle Dandy... stuck a feather in her hat and called it macaroni..."

"Daddy, will you win that giant Scooby for me?"

The next Nascar star?

Katy, reading her library books
Today, you are 30 weeks old, Katy! This Sunday, you will be seven months old- how did that happen?! I am so glad that we made the choice for me to stay home with you, full-time.
Your big milestones for this past week is that you both stood on your own and crawled on your own (separate blog posts)! Technically, you stood by yourself before your crawled, so I'm not sure what that means developmentally- other than the fact that you are a mover and a shaker. Boy, do you like to move! Now that you are crawling, you tend to bump your head more. Even the simplest of things- such and shelf corners and table chairs- seem like some a harmful weapon that you can topple over onto yourself or bump the corner. I caught you standing up at your Katy shelf in the dining room, selecting a book, yesterday.
We introduced pears to your palate, this week. You LOVE pears! You kept opening your mouth and at one point, you actually grabbed my hand and directed it to your mouth because apparently, I wasn't feeding you fast enough. Your eating habits have been much better, this week. I also gave you pieces of macaroni- you mostly put it in your mouth and then spit them out.
Katy, you are starting to show your personality more and more, each day. When I take you away from a favorite toy, or take away something that you want to see, you voice your displeasure by whining loudly. You will twist and turn until you can get back to the object of interest.
Speaking of twisting and turning, changing your diapers/clothes continues to be a struggle because you love to move, wiggle and squirm! I've put your diaper on with you in the crawling position more than once this week!
We went to the Cabarrus County Fair (separate blog post), last Saturday. You seemed to enjoy the quieter exhibits opposed to the rides- too much stimulation with all of the lights, sounds and people.
Now that I am home with you full-time, Katy, you are becoming a little more clingy and a touch more wary of strangers. For the past two weeks, you've cried during your stay in the church nursery for Kristin Taylor and Angela Clemmons (even though you've seen them and been with them in the nursery since you were a month old!). Perhaps this is the start of stranger anxiety?
For a couple of weeks (can't remember if I've mentioned it, yet, or now), now, you've been waving. It's more like a backwards wave, and it's not on command, but it's still pretty cute.
Katy, you now understand the concepts of in and out and on top of. You have this spindle of colored rings and you understand that the rings go on the spindle. You still haven't mastered actually doing it, but we've watched you attempt to put the rings on the spindle. Also, you have a toy that has different cut shapes that you put the matching shape in it. You understand that the smaller shapes go in the bigger one. It's so fun to see you focus all of your attentions to trying to figure out these things!
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