Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sentence of the Day- Muppet Color Theory

Posted by Heather at Wednesday, May 14, 2014
There's a song in The Muppets movie where Kermit reflecting on the gang's past adventures and the good times that they shared. The song is called, "Pictures in my head." It's a slow song and Kermit is definitely feeling a little sad and down when he sings it.

Of course, Lil' Miss knows every word to the song- by heart. Of course, we have it playing in the car- all the time. Well, the other day, it happened to come on as I started the car. The lyric being sung was Kermit singing, "....that's why my green is feeling grey...." Immediately, Katy piped up from the back seat and said, "Green doesn't make grey! You have to mix black and white to make grey. That's the way it works."


I'm not sure if I should be proud of the fact that Lil' Miss knows her color theory.... Or, shake my head at the fact that once again, real life applications are somehow pointed back to the Muppets. Again. Ted, I'm looking at you.....! ;-P


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